Top Assets You Got The Opportunity To Understand The Fedex Reviews
There's a hidden profit source in many companies. Hidden perhaps, perhaps because the source is quite unlikely - freight bills. Tariffs of the major LTL and parcel carriers, like UPS, FedEx, DHL and TNT, promise on-time delivery and accurate billing. When carriers come short of their service commitment, it's left to the customer to get the failure and claim a refund for the overcharge. The overcharge may range from a couple of pennies to the complete value of the shipment, but it's hard to detect and harder to say. Sound sort of a hassle? It’s. That's why most companies 'choose' to overpay their FedEx and UPS bills. Companies that use shipping transportation carriers like FedEx and UPS should have transportation spend management for Fedex Audit and UPS audits
Now there's an alternate to either overpaying or spending nights ferreting out errant charges. In fact, there is a company that focuses on recovering that lost profit, and that is all they've finished the last 12 years. The corporate is Direct-Recovery. Their niche is so narrow you've likely never heard of them, but you'd know many of the names they serve. They provide services for like FedEx audits and UPS Audit.
They identify and recover excess shipping costs for international companies shipping with virtually any major parcel carrier. They've taken what was once a specialized service reserved for larger companies, scaled the technology, and now deliver an equivalent service to any entity with a UPS, FedEx, or DHL bill over $50,000 per annum. Their fee may be a portion of the FedEx refunds or UPS refunds they generate, therefore the service is pure profit.
But the important secret is that the 'soft cost recoveries' that are thrown in as freebies. Customers are given access to a useful SaaS Business Intelligence system that helps identify business inefficiencies and profit opportunities. Have you ever tried to match FedEx rates and UPS rates as applied to your shipping characteristics? Simplify the task by re-rating 12 months of UPS history thereupon FedEx rate proposal you're evaluating. Wondering where to plant a replacement distribution center? Rerate your DHL shipping history from the new zip code to narrow in on the simplest location.
Their SaaS interface may be a response to 12 years of customer inquiries, and an excessive amount of to review here, so I'll leave you with this: If you are looking for hidden cost savings, look no further than that weekly check going bent your parcel carrier. Run Direct-Recovery's 30-day trial to ascertain what surprise refund may await you.
For more info : - Parcel Audit